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Volunteer Opportunities

Committees, Auxiliaries & Volunteer Programs

The artist draws an outline of a picture and then fills int he colors to bring a scene to life. That is the same vibrancy of that occurs when we our volunteers add their own unique color to the activities at B'nai Aviv. The outline for our success is clear, but only with volunteers does our picture fill with energy and become alive. 

This is your synagogue and your community. We are a volunteer driven organization that needs, and thrives, on your involvement. We help each other, support each other. We are part of a truly dynamic and energized synagogue and we will grow stronger through each member's participation. 

There are so many opportunities for all of you to get involved at B'nai Aviv in your own unique way. I urge you to enthusiastically volunteer and participate in activities of your choosing. Please don't wait for others to do what you have a passion for.  We will do this together.

Adult Education Committee: The Adult Education Committee, in consultation with clergy and staff,  develops year-long adult education programming opportunities for all aspects of the synagogue. 

Business Network: The Committee supports our congregants by promoting their businesses and expanding their network through regular monthly educational meetings and social gatherings.

Chesed: Sharon Horowitz, Chair. The goal of Chesed is to help congregants in need of assistance due to illness, inability to drive, family loss, or new baby as well as welcoming new members.

Cultural Arts Committee: Coordinates and implements programs designed to enhance Jewish cultural activities.

Early Childhood (ECEC) Committee: The ECEC Committee, in consultation with the Board of Directors and ECEC Director, determines policy and formulates rules and regulations for, and with respect to the administration of the ECEC programs.

Fundraising Committee: The Fundraising Committee coordinates and implements programming designed to raise money for the synagogue.

Gala CommitteeMerideth Morgan, Chair The Gala Committee plans and coordinates the synagogues annual Gala celebration.

Hazak: Myrna & Jerry Hertz, Co-Chairs.  Hazak is a social, spiritual and educational program for members age 55 and above.

House Committee: Benny Bejar & Troy Modlin Co-Chairs. The House Committee oversees the physical plant and operation of the synagogue's buildings and grounds, security, catering and provides the Board of Directors with recommendations for capital improvements to and maintenance of the physical plant.

Israel Committee:  The Israel Committee serves as liaison between the synagogue and community programs concerning the State of Israel.

Legal & Bylaws Committee: Seth Lubin, Chair. The Legal & Bylaws Committee recommends changes to the Board as needed for the Synagogue Bylaws. They also advise the President and Board on legal matters.

Life & Legacy Committee:  The Life & Legacy Committee coordinates the legacy giving endowment program for synagogue members and recommends recommends expenditures of program rewards to the Board.

Long Range Planning Committee:  The Long Range Planning Committee coordinates and formulates goals for the future of the synagogue.

Membership Committee: The Membership Committee coordinates and implements activities designed to increase and to retain membership.

Men’s Club: Jack Fintz & Tony Cerritelli, Co-Chairs. The Men’s Club enables the men of the congregation to work in fellowship to create programs and events for B’nai Aviv whose main objective is fun. In addition, it works closely with other B’nai Aviv organizations to support fundraising and various functions of our synagogue.

Momentum Committee: Jaime Cohen, Chair. The Momentum Committee coordinates, promotes and fundraises for the annual Momentum trips to Israel.

Religious School Committee:  The Religious School Committee, in consultation with the Religious School Director, Rabbi, and Board of Directors, determines policy and formulates rules and regulations for and with respect to the administration of the Religious School programs.

Ritual Committee: The Ritual Committee serves as an advisory and consultative group to the clergy concerning worship ritual practices at the synagogue.

Sisterhood: Debbie Kahn & Randi Weinstein, Co-Chairs. The Sisterhood is a group of women of all ages who bond together to support our congregation, to engage in fundraising activities, and to enhance opportunities for education and spiritual growth. It is a part of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism.

Social Action Committee: Ben & Cyndi Schulman, Co-Chairs. The Social Action Committee implements and coordinates charitable activities to benefit the synagogue's community.

Security Committee: The Security Committee reviews and implements policies and practices needed to insure the safety of our congregation and facilities.

Young Families: Baylene Feldman Chair. Young families plans and implements special programs geared towards families with young children.

Youth Commission: The Youth Commission coordinates and implements youth activities and coordinates youth groups sponsored by, or affiliated with, the synagogue.

Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785